
In no particular order, here are some great links for inspiring filmmakers or anyone interested in film. Please note that we can not be responsible for the content of these websites and their links.

Other Film Programs


Online Film Festivals

Digital Journalism and new Media

Resources / How to


Canon HV20 tutorials 

  1. intro / tour part 1
  2. intro / tour part 2
  3. menus, menus, menus part 1
  4. menus, menus, menus part2
  5. menus, menus, menus part 3
  6. menus, menus, menus part 4
  7. menus, menus, menus part 5
  8. menus part 6 & taking better video part 1
  9. taking better video part 2
  10. audio for video



History & Theory